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电话: 021-64752259-820
传真: 021-64757456
姓名: 王素霞

  SHANGHAI SHOUDA PACKAGING MACHINERY CO.,LTD Shanghai ShouDa is one representative enterprise, which specializes in providing automati packaging system and built-up parts for customers in food ,pharmaceutical & chemical industries. ShouDa has passed CE certificate Standard of EU and meet the requirement of GMP .It is also designated by “China Quality Market Survey Center” as a stable and qualified enterpise who pay attention to quality ,faith and reputation&brand-establishment. It is designated “ten of new prominent manufactory “by chinese food industry .All of our products are salable in many countries and regions such as Asia ,Europe,America and Africa etc...

主要产品/业务: All kinds of packaging machinery Bottle rinser ,filling ,capping, labeling production line Machine group for oil\shampoo line Can seal Channel sterilization ove Pharmaceutical and chemical industry bottling and packing line Counting and filling machine Labeling machine Inkjet code machine

上海首达包装机械材料有限公司 / 上海 / Rm. 3005, Section D, Caobao Rd., Xu Hui Dist., Shanghai, Ch (200233 ) / 电话:021-64752259-820


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